Senior data leader

Example roles/ organisations

  • Chief Data Officer (CDO)

  • Data Protection Officer (DPO)

  • Data managers

Responsibilities in health data governance

  • Creates or oversees delivery of the data strategy

  • Oversees the range of data-related functions in an organisation

  • Implements the data governance framework, ensuring policies, processes, skills and knowledge are in place to create value from data

  • Ensures data quality across large, integrated datasets for health research and for decision-making

  • Maintains accountability for the way data is managed and used across an organisation, including managing risk and compliance, setting access permissions, and assisting policy leaders with the creation and implementation of data strategies

  • Standardises data assets so they can be compared and used in analysis and decision-making

  • Collaborates with data partners and facilitates relationships with other stakeholders across the data ecosystem

Why data governance matters to them

Data governance will support:

  • meeting regulatory requirements around access, use and sharing of data

  • ensuring access, use and sharing of data meets the project or organisational objectives

  • confidence in decisions informed by data

  • confidence in the rights to access, use and share data collected or data acquired from third parties

  • confidence in data collected or acquired meeting the required quality standards

Key relationships that these stakeholders need to form and manage

Senior data leaders must build trustworthy relationships across the data ecosystem, engaging stakeholders both internally and with partners, to achieve strategic objectives informed by access, use and sharing of health data.

Last updated