Governmental body
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Department of Health
Regional/local health agencies
Digital government agencies
Makes decisions informed by health data
Facilitates cross-border relationships for data access, use and sharing
Oversees data governance frameworks at a regional or national level
Oversees accountability mechanisms that create the conditions for trustworthy data collection, access, use and sharing
Facilitates multi-stakeholder data governance networks to create value from data use
Communicates the value of data governance and data use to all stakeholders (building a trustworthy data infrastructure that protects personal data)
Data governance will support:
defining data-informed health outcomes and key challenges by using quality data that is timely and comparable
the ability to analyse data by who faces the greatest health burdens, in order to plan equity-based solutions
innovation with health data that is ethical, equitable and minimises harmful impacts for individuals or communities
Governmental bodies must work with policy leaders to ensure that regulations and policy approaches, such as incubator funding, are in place to encourage innovation from reuse of data, while protecting the privacy of individuals and avoiding harmful impacts on individuals and communities. They must communicate to the wider non-technical community on the need to build trustworthy health data ecosystems for better healthcare outcomes.