Guidebook Status

This guidebook is a work in progress, and will be iterated based on tests with partners, both as a whole and in its constituent parts.

This document does not constitute advice from any department of UK Government.

For any questions please contact the Open Data Institute.

Published: June 2022

Status: Alpha - open for testing

Licensing: The guidebook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 – International License.

This guidebook was created through research and consultation with a wide variety of stakeholders, including government bodies, regulators, charities, nonprofits, consumer groups, academics, large corporates, industry bodies and SMEs across multiple sectors.

We invite you to use this guidebook, and the tools and activities contained within it, and welcome feedback to help us make them better. In particular, we are interested in feedback on:

  • which of the activities and tools are most useful and how they can be improved

  • Which format is the most useful for engaging with the tools and activities (some of the tools and activities are likely to be more useful in a workshop or group setting, while others may be more suitable for individual work)

  • additional tools and resources that can help organisations building innovate using Smart Data

Please also get in touch if you are interested in working through the activities in this playbook in an ODI-facilitated workshop setting. For instance, the tools and activities in this playbook could be packaged as a bespoke series of workshops designed to help your organisation.

Last updated